
First Year

In the first year, students can take subjects from a variety of options in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, and can deepen their understanding of sciences and humanities and its relationships with engineering and technology as part of NUTECH Learning Communities Program (NLCP).

1. Subjects
Physics I, Physics II, Calculus I, Calculus II, Chemistry, Biology, Language and Communication Skills, Islamic Studies.
Students can choose one Restrictive Elective as well.

2. Experience
Industrial Learning Experience
Industrial Learning Experience 2

3. Community
Students can choose from one of these communities:
Becoming Human
Computational Media Design
Modern Conception of Freedom

Second Year

During the second year, students will continue their studies with subjects meeting various University requirements and beginning subjects in departmental programs, and will also focus on development of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills related to employment in industry as part of NUTECH Career Accelerator Program (NCAP).

1. Subjects
Introduction to IT, Probability and Statistics, Programming Fundamentals, Discrete Structures, Pakistan Studies, Object Oriented Programming, Digital Logic Design, Linear Algebra & ODEs, Theory of Automata.

2. Experience
Industrial Learning Experience 3
Industrial Learning Experience 4

Third Year

In third year, students will have the opportunity to participate in NUTECH Engineering Leadership Program (NELP), and develop team-working and teams-leading skills and leadership abilities by going through rigorous leadership exercises in courses, labs and through interactions with industrial leaders.

1. Subjects

  • Software Engineering, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Organization and Assembly Language, Compiler Construction, Database Systems, Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Two restrictive Electives
  • One Concentration Stream subject

2. Experience

  • Undergraduate Research Experience I
  • Industrial Learning Experience 5
  • Industrial Learning Experience 6

3. Community

Fourth Year

In third and fourth years, undergraduate students will have the opportunity to join faculty and graduate students in research projects through Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP). Experiences in UREP will encourage intellectual commitment and self-direction and provide a focus for students undergraduate studies.

1. Subjects

  • Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Parallel & Distributed Computing, Information Security
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Two Concentration Stream subjects
  • Undergraduate Research Experience II
  • Two Capstone Projects

2. Industrial Creativity Term Project-ICAT

During four week Industrial and Creative Activity Term (ICAT) in all four years, students will be able to do technology focused creative industrial projects and independent activities based on their personal interest and talent.

3. Elective Subjects

There will also be time for students to take elective subjects each year. These elective opportunities will allow students to follow their personal interests or to enrich their educational backgrounds.