Industrial Creative Activity Term (ICAT) 2020

NUTECH second Industrial Creative Activity Term (ICAT) week planned during semester break was completed on 21 February 2020. It was a four-week activity period during which students were encouraged to set their own educational agendas, pursue independent projects and interact with faculty. All members of the NUTECH community including faculty were free to introduce innovative educational experiments as ICAT activities with the aim at sharing a particular talent, expertise or interest with others at the university. Ex-Rector NUTECH Lt Gen (Retd) Khalid Asghar and Pro-Rector Major Gen Khalid Javed visited different projects stalls and interacted with the students. At the closing ceremony, Ex-Rector Lt Gen (Retd) Khalid Asghar appreciated the effort of students in attainting such wonderful achievements within four weeks of ICAT. He praised the student’s projects and encouraged them to polish and pursue them as their final degree projects. At the end, Rector distributed the prizes to the best student’s projects.

This knowledge base industrial creativity activity term will go a long way, contributing positively in student’s careers as future technology leaders and entrepreneurs. The NUTECH provided all possible material, technical, intellectual and financial support to their students to enable them to work freely, confidently and independently on the project activities of their choice.