Seminar on Career Counselling & Entrepreneurship

NUTECH University, a premier institution dedicated to academic excellence and innovation, proudly hosted a student seminar on “Career Counselling & Entrepreneurship” on 7th May 2024. The seminar not only aimed to empower students with essential career guidance and entrepreneurial aspects, but also emphasized the significance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 4, 16, and 17. NUTECH University, known for its commitment to holistic education and fostering future professionals, provides a platform for students to delve into crucial topics shaping their careers and societal impact. This seminar also served as a connection between personal career aspirations and global sustainability objectives, aligning with NUTECH’s ethos of producing socially responsible leaders.

The seminar featured distinguished speakers renowned in their respective fields, offering students a rich tapestry of knowledge and experiences to draw from. Attendees had the privilege of engaging with seasoned professionals who shared wisdom on navigating career choices and cultivating entrepreneurship. With an emphasis on holistic career development, the seminar explored various facets of career planning, skills development and the significance of entrepreneurship in today’s dynamic job market. Students gained valuable insights into identifying their strengths, aligning their passions with career paths and harnessing entrepreneurial opportunities.The seminar concluded with interactive sessions, enabling students to engage with speakers and explore actionable strategies for personal and collective advancement. Participants left inspired and equipped with the tools to navigate their career paths while contributing to sustainable development objectives.