NUTECH Career Acceleration Program (NCAP) Launching Ceremony

Ex-Rector Lt Gen (Retd) Khalid Asghar inaugurated the NUTECH Career Acceleration Program (NCAP) on 11 December 2019. The aim of this program is to encourage and help the students to plan their career, choose the right career path, identify and acquire the skills that enable them to achieve their career goals. The program activities include workshops, seminars, one to one caching interactive sessions etc, and will provide the students with the skills they needs to work as a strong contributor in the workplace. Ex-Rector NUTECH congratulates the hardwork of NCAP office and team on achieving this milestone. In his address to the students, he highlighted that NCAP will play a major and positive role in grooming the students towards a successful person, an employable graduates and a good leader and team member.