Employee Interests & Incentives

A well thought out and elaborate gratuity policy is being envisioned for all employees of NUTECH, who serve for a certain period of time in NUTECH. The policy will be implemented in near future Necessary coordination is being carried out with relevant stakeholders to register all employees for EOBI, keeping in view all rules and regulations of Government of Pakistan. The registration of all employees will commence soon. Faculty and Support Staff are sent on university sponsored foreign and inland trainings, if they fulfill and qualify the requisite criteria. Employees are eligible for annual increments in their pays, once they satisfy the criterion as per policy. NUTECH’s pay package accounts for different allowances in pay such as dearness ceiling, telephone/internet ceiling, transport, ----- etc Bus and Coaster commute facility is available for employees, who fulfill the certain laid out eligibility criteria based on availability of seats. NUTECH is offering a top-tier salary package to its employees in comparison to other players in the academic sector. Hostel accommodation facility is available for employees. Cases are processed based on availability of rooms. a.University Medical Centre: A well equipped medical Centre is available in the university premises to provide 	basic medical care/first aid to all employees of NUTECH on gratis basis.
Health Insurance: All employees and their families are being insured for health coverage from available insurance providers , after payment of necessary dues. A day care has been established at NUTECH for children of employees under the age of 3 years old. A well established faculty and staff cafeteria is operational at NUTECH, offering different snacks and lunch options.