NUTECH & Edison Innovation Venture Commit to Work Together to Promote Entrepreneurship through Engagement with Elite Innovation Platform at Cambridge University

CEO of Edison Innovation Ventures, Dr Najeeb Ullah a PhD from Cambridge University. Former Member Science at the planning commission, provincial minister of science & IT visited NUTECH. He was received by Rector NUTECH Lt Gen Moazzam Ejaz, HI (M) Retd, NUTECH team engaged in fruitful discussions about potential collaborations in technology, research, and innovation. During his visit, he was briefed in detail about NUTECH and its ongoing activities followed by the visit of various departments, including NUTECH’s cutting-edge engineering labs, NIC. Dr Najeeb Ullah said Cambridge enterprise is world known technology enterprise led by saint john innovation center. Universities of Pakistan need global partners or enablers, NUTECH has potential to lead science and technology for economic development. saint john center can offer six months’ program for NUTECH, in ares covering conventional R&D & innovation (level 1,2,3) incubation (level 4) science and technology park (level 5) and commercialization (level 6 to 9), He further advised NUTECH to attain these technology levels. He was ready to facilitate NUTECH to engage with Cambridge enterprise and Saint John innovation center, Cambridge. Edison Innovation venture would facilitate in branding of NUTECH & its development as internationally recognized first enterprenual university of Pakistan. He offered to have an MoU between Edison innovation venture & NUTECH after which Edison innovation venture will act as, Bridge between Cambridge and NUTECH.

Rector NUTECH, Lt Gen Moazzam Ejaz Hi (M) Retd, in his remarks, stated, “NUTECH is committed to pursue joint ventures with key industry leaders like Edison Innovation Ventures to create pathways for ground breaking research and development. We believe that through joint ventures, we can address critical challenges in technology, energy, and sustainability. we look forward to working together to advance Pakistan’s industrial and technological growth.” The visit concluded with mutual optimism for future collaboration, aimed at contributing towards the innovation ecosystem in Pakistan, empowering students with real-world experiences, and driving technological advancement