NUTECH’s commitment to environmental sustainability shone brightly as the PM’s Green Youth Movement Club, under the supervision of Office of Students’ Affairs, spearheaded a commendable Tree Plantation Drive on February 14, 2023. The student members of the club joined hands with the Capital Development Authority (CDA) to plant a myriad of saplings in the vicinity of NUTECH. This collaborative effort not only symbolized the university’s dedication to fostering a green campus but also showcased the power of collective action in combating climate change. The event not only promoted environmental consciousness but also instilled a sense of responsibility among the student body towards preserving nature for future generations.


NUTECH was honored to host esteemed environmental expert Dr. Mazhar Hayat for a thought-provoking talk on Climate Change, held on January 19, 2023. Dr. Mazhar’s insightful discourse shed light on the pressing challenges posed by climate change and the urgent need for collective action. Engaging with students, faculty, and guests,             Dr. Mazhar highlighted the interconnectedness of environmental issues and the importance of sustainable solutions. His expertise and passion inspired attendees to deepen their understanding and commitment to environmental stewardship. This event exemplifies NUTECH’s dedication to fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange on critical global issues.


NUTECH’s Green Youth Movement Club organized a trekking and cleaning drive at the scenic Kallar Kahar on December 16, 2023. Enthusiastic participants climbed the trails, reveling in the natural beauty while simultaneously undertaking a noble mission of environmental stewardship. With a collective spirit, they engaged in a thorough cleaning drive, ensuring the cleanliness of the environment. The event not only promoted physical fitness and outdoor adventure but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards environmental conservation among the participants.


NUTECH Adventure Club, under the supervision of the Office of Students’ Affairs, organized a memorable one-day trip to the breathtaking Katas Raj Temples on December 16, 2023. Amidst the scenic beauty of the historical site, students embarked on a journey of cultural enrichment and exploration. This immersive experience not only offered a refreshing break from academic rigors but also fostered camaraderie and appreciation for cultural diversity among the student community. NUTECH continues to prioritize holistic development by offering such enriching opportunities beyond the classroom.


Students of the National University of Technology (NUTECH) Batch 2020, under the supervision of the Office of Students’ Affairs, arranged a Farewell Party and Qawali night for the graduating students of the Batch 2019 on July 7, 2023. The OSA managed the soulful event during which the renowned Qawal Waqar Ali Khan and his band performed splendid Qawalis all evening. A blend of thought-provoking, comedic and dynamic performances made the students feel greeted by their juniors. The performances were followed by a buffet dinner and photography sessions.


NUTECH Literary & Debating Society, under the supervision of Office of Students’ Affairs, organized a riveting Declamation Contest on April 13, 2023, showcasing the eloquence and intellect of the university’s talented student body. Judges, faculty, and peers alike were impressed by the persuasive arguments, and compelling delivery demonstrated by the contestants. This contest not only honed students’ public speaking skills but also fostered a culture of critical thinking and expression on campus. NUTECH remains committed to providing platforms for student engagement and intellectual growth.

Kashmir Solidarity Day

NUTECH Literary & Debating Society, under the supervision of Office of Students’ Affairs, arranged Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5, 2023 to express solidarity and raise awareness about the freedom struggle of Kashmiri people. The event activities included speeches, patriotic songs, tableau, and documentaries.


NUTECH Community Service Club, under the supervision of Office of Students’ Affairs, embarked on a meaningful journey of empathy and solidarity with a visit to the SOS Village, Rawalpindi (near Soan Bridge) on January 13, 2023. Led by the club’s dedicated members, the visit was aimed to spread joy and companionship among the children residing there. Through engaging activities and heartfelt interactions, the NUTECH community extended warmth and support to the young souls, fostering bonds of friendship and understanding. From fun games to inspiring conversations, every moment was filled with compassion and positivity. This initiative exemplifies NUTECH’s commitment to serving the community and nurturing a culture of kindness and inclusivity.