Tripartite MoU Signing Between Ministry of Science & Technology (MoST), Ministry of Railways (MoR) and National University of Technology (NUTECH)

Ministry of Railways (MoR), Ministry of Science & Technology (MoST) and National University of Technology (NUTECH) signed a historic tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) whereby MoST will facilitate MoR in developing Pakistan Railways (PR) on most modern lines through intellectual, academic, research and professional support of NUTECH. Mr. Azam Swati, the Federal Minister for Railways was the chief guest of MoU signing ceremony at NUTECH on February 11, 2021 attended by high officials and dignitaries of both the ministries. On the occasion Rector NUTECH Lieutenant General (R) Khalid Asghar highlighted the significance of MoU in the back drop of developing railways for upcoming CPEC based ML-1, 2 and 3 projects. He highlighted establishment of state-of-the-art railway engineering, technologies and skills school (NURETSS) at NUTECH to develop railway technologies of 21st century. The Minister thanked NUTECH for taking such an innovative, initiative and expressed his pleasure on the NURETSS plan to develop Pakistan Railways institutes and large segment of national industry through R&D, academics and skill education in the latest technologies of 4th Industrial revolution.