Industrial and Creative Activity Term

At NUTECH, a 4 weeks Industrial and Creative Activity Term (ICAT) is offered before every Spring Semester and is part of the UG curriculum. Students develop small-scale projects with a focus on understanding and implementing a particular topic and to improve hands-on skills. ICAT is meant to unleash the creative abilities of students through innovative teaching and learning approaches and by encouraging everyone to set one’s own educational agendas according to their aptitude and interests (both curricular and extra-curricular).

The second Industrial Creativity Term was offered in NUTECH from 21 Feb, 2020. Students and faculty were freely allowed to introduce innovative educational experiments/projects as ICAT activities. A total of 71 different projects were offered. The projects were displayed as an open house on the last ICAT day and Ex-Rector NUTECH Lt Gen (Retd) Khalid Asghar and Pro-Rector Major Gen Khalid Javed visited different projects stalls and interacted with the students. The highlight of ICAT-20 are “three dimensional printer, gesture control car, three axis CNC milling machine, hydraulic robotic arm, machine condition monitoring using sensor, ECG signal processing, saving cold unused water by recirculating and effectiveness of plastic roads” projects.

Gesture Control Car

The technology has changed the way we live and revolutionized the world in every field of life. It is improving day after one and creating comforts for the people. The main purpose of this project is to help those who are handicapped to use their legs to accelerate the car or stopping it. The car is controlled by the gestures of one’s hand and AI technology is used to detect the obstacles and stop following the directed path. It is the most emerging and focused field of automobile engineering. Even older persons will drive a wheelchair with low muscle power.

NUPaints – Production of Pigments & Paints for Art Activities/Painting by Students at NUTECH

NUTECH is the University for Industry where indigenous product development, innovation and research are highly appreciated. NUPaints is one of the creative projects offered in ICAT 2020 where students successfully produced prime powdered pigments from easily available raw materials, aimed at utilization in art and painting activities. The scope of the project lies in the development of new technologies and methods to increase the efficiency of pigments, development of newer shades and natural/non-toxic pigments. 

The team initially synthesized well known pigments such as Prussian Blue, Chrome Yellow, Malachite and White powder from chemical precursors. A new shade of blue was also created using novel procedures. The developed paints are highly stable, long lasting and tested as Water paints, Egg tempera and oil Paints. The project is a noteworthy step towards indigenous product development in Pakistan.