NUTECH aspires to be the “Flag Bearer University of 4th industrial revolution (Industry 4.0)”. Concept of innovation is imbedded in Industry 4.0. Innovation is defined as the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service. The application of practical tools and techniques that make changes, large and small, to products, processes, and services that result in the introduction of something new for a university that adds value to students as customers and contributes to the knowledge store of the organization. The innovation as a value driver concept is very important for assessing the efficiency of innovation in a university. In this concept, innovation is defined as a source of competitive advantage and is seen as a decisive factor for intellectual, academics, professional and economic growth and the basic condition of University development in a competitive knowledge-driven environment. From an organizational point of view, the adoption of innovation may lead to improved intellectual and professional efficiency; create better knowledge eco-system, intellectual competitive advantage and flexibility that ensure sustainable development of university products, invention etc. in a dynamic changing knowledge driven environment. Therefore, it is vital for NUTECH to focus, cherish and foster innovation as culture of each segment of the university.
Innovation Philosophy.
- Creativity is the essence of industrial and societal development and panacea of success in a world driven by technology.
- Innovation at NUTECH. NUTECH aspires to act as hub of excellence in innovation, creativity and technopreneurship through world-class research, science, arts, skills and scholarship to develop innovation driven industry and society. NUTECH strengthen innovation and entrepreneurial community, innovation infrastructure, initiate innovative programs, innovative partnerships and imbed innovation culture and ecosystem from skills-to undergraduate-to graduate and Post doc researchers. NUTECH develops and strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurial community, innovation infrastructure, initiate innovative programs, innovative partnership for the realization of wish into product development and commercialization through the stages of innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Goals of NUTECH for Innovation. NUTECH acts as a catalyst for innovation community and provides innovation infrastructure that facilitates innovation process from wish to product commercialization with following goals:-
- Bridging the linkages between students groups, programs, NUTL and NIC dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Provide support to successful innovation and entrepreneurship programs and their access to more students, national and international partners.
- Identifying growth opportunities through the creation of innovative educational Programs, research efforts and physical infrastructure.
- NUTECH Innovation Center (NIC). Keeping in view the university vision and mission, translation of NUTECH Innovation philosophy concept, intended innovation goals, innovation initiatives, learning opportunities for innovation and strategies for innovation into reality is being done by establishing NUTECH Innovation Center (NIC) at the university under the Office of Dean of Research (DoR).
- Mission of NIC. Conversion of Science into Art for the development of industry and society.
- Objectives of NIC. The objectives of NIC as envisaged at the DoR Office are enumerated below:-
- Promotion of innovation, creativity and intellectual investment in science and technology, to achieve development of vide range of useful products for the Society.
- Creation of conducive echo-system to foster interdisciplinary problem solving ability for successful interdisciplinary novel projects, execution for Industry and Society.
- Nurture culture of innovation to excite young minds about innovations and channelize youth to make innovative inventions.
- To enable NUTECH researchers achieve success through innovation on the face technological challenges for sustainable economy and society.
- Innovation in Research (I-Research). Innovation based research at NUTECH iscalled as
I-Research. I-Research encourages teachers and students to explore, research and use all the tools to uncover something new. It involves a different way of looking at problems and solving them. The accompanying thinking process that goes into it helps researchers to develop their creativity and their problem solving capability. Comprehensive I-Research programs, Trainings, mentoring, competitions and research projects will be embedded in all academic programs at NUTECH. - Innovation in Research Based Skills. The strategy entails all research activities at NUTECH duly blended with innovation during teaching, learning and assessments process. In this context, the rapid advancements of technology and their possible positive impact on the socio-economic development of our nation are to be supported by world-class innovative research. NUTECH implement its own innovative research model and prepare youth to meet challenges of national and international industry through innovation.
- Innovation Based Project-to-Product Development System. A comprehensive framework is devised by Dean of Research (DoR) Office through the assistance of academic departments of NUTECH, which develops project-to-product strategy that continuously facilitates the development and adjustment of the project capabilities over the journey from idea to commercialization. The P2P Framework (P2PF) shall focus on following (as shown in figure 4 below):-
- Innovations at university-level strategies and capabilities.
- Innovation in internal system characteristics and external contingencies.
- Innovation in project-to-product level resources and capabilities.
- Innovations in key project-to-product success factors.
- Innovation in expectations to project-to-product value deliverables.

- Initial Focus of NIC Plan. The plan focuses on following: –
- Engagement of Industry. Initially, most progressive and dynamic firms are engaged to solve their critical industrial problems and sponsor fully funded projects. The firms are engaged by NORIIC.
- Tapping of Innovative Brains. Undergraduate students start their academic career with innovative approach right from the start. NUTECH has devised test methods to tap innovative brains in order to explore their potential for innovation. Candidates with innovative ideas, concepts are given opportunity to complete their dream projects.
- Innovation Hobby Shops (IHS). Selected students work in their respective departmental innovation hobby shops with the objective to complete their novel project by utilizing all resources available in hobby shop, teaching labs and research labs of NUTECH.
- System of Specialized Training. NUTECH students (undergraduate level) are required to study specific subjects particularly designed for the training of innovators, transformation of minds to produce novel products, innovate approach to solve problems, and creation of innovation in skills. These interdisciplinary subjects are critical for engineers and scientists to understand complexities of novel product development.
- Learning Communities Program
- Industry Career Acceleration Program
- Technology Leadership Program
- Technology Research Experience Program