Dr. Atta Ullah

Designation                        Assistant Professor                                                        

Email ID(s)                          [email protected]                                                           

Contact #                             0333-5766416                                                                    

Profile Summary

Ph.D from Quaid-i-Azam University. I would like to work in the applications of Algebraic Steuctures in Cryptography and other fields of Multimedia Security

Sr. NoDegreeUniversityYear
1P.hDQuaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad2018
2MSQuaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad2009
3MScQuaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad2007

Teaching Experience

Sr. NoDesignationUniversityYear
1Assistant ProfessorNUTECH IslamabadAug-20to Date
2LecturerIMCB, H-9, IslamabadMar-12Aug-20
3LecturerArmy Public College, MurreeApr-10Mar-20
4Teaching AssistantQuaid-i-Azam University, IslamabadJul-08Jun-09

Honors and Awards

Sr. NoAwardYear
1second Position in MSc2007
2Chnceller's Gold medal2009
3President's Gold Medal2009

Research Areas/Interests

Sr. NoAreaDescription
1Commutative AlgebraZariski Rings, Topological Rings
2Mathematical CryptographyConstruction of Nonlinear component of Block Cipners and their applications in multimedia security

Journal Publications

Sr. NoJournal NamePublication Title with I.FYear
1Nonlinear DynamicsA novel construction of substitution box using a combination of chaotic maps with improved chaotic range (IF 4.772)2017
2Nonlinear DynamicsA novel scheme for image encryption using substitution box and chaotic system (IF 4.772)2017
3Wireless Personal CommunicationsA novel algebraic technique for the construction of strong substitution box (IF 1.170)2017
4Security and Communication NetworksA novel construction of substitution box involving coset diagram and a bijective map (IF 1.336)2017
5Security and Communication NetworksA Novel Technique for the Construction of Safe Substitution
Boxes Based on Cyclic and Symmetric Groups (IF 1.336)
6Multimedia Tools & ApplicationsA scheme based on algebraic and chaotic structures for the construction of substitution box (IF 2.917)2019
7Chinese Journal of PhysicsConstruction of new substitution boxes using linear fractional transformation and enhanced chaos2019
8Multimedia Tools & ApplicationsCryptosystem techniques based on the improved Chebyshev map: an application in image encryption2019
9Wireless Personal CommunicationsA Novel Technique to Improve Nonlinearity of Substitution Box Without Disturbing Its Mathematical Properties2020
10Wireless Personal CommunicationsConstruction of Non-linear Component of Block Cipher by Means of Chaotic Dynamical System and Symmetric Group (IF 1.601)2020
11Chinese Journal of PhysicsLightweight secure image encryption scheme based on chaotic differential equation (IF 2.84)2020
12Mathematics and Computers in SimulationAdvance image encryption technique utilizing compression, dynamical system and S-boxes (IF 1.709)2020
13Multimedia Tools & ApplicationsDesign of an S-box using Rabinovich-Fabrikant system of Differential Equations perceiving third order nonlinearity (IF 2.917)2020
14Wireless Personal CommunicationsAn Improved Chaotic Cryptosystem for Image Encryption and Digital Watermarking (IF 1.601)2020
15Multimedia Tools & ApplicationsA color image privacy scheme established on nonlinear system of coupled differential equations (IF 2.917)2020
16Wireless Personal CommunicationsA Yousuf A novel group theoretic and graphical approach for designing cryptographically strong nonlinear components of bloc ciphers (IF 1.601)2020