Deferment / Freezing of Semester(s)

A student may seek deferment / freezing from regular studies subject to the following conditions:-

  • Deferment / freezing will generally be requested before the start of a semester. However, in exceptional cases it may be requested latest by the 2nd week of a semester.
  • During the period of deferment, he/she will be allowed to repeat courses already studied on payment of prescribed fee for repetition of courses but not permitted to study new courses.
  • He/she shall pay 25% tuition fee to maintain his/her registration.
  • The student has requisite time available to complete his/her degree within the stipulated time.
  • Freezing of first two semesters is not allowed.
  • Under Special *hardship circumstances freezing of first/ second semester can be considered by the approval of competent forum.
    1. Iddat
    2. Maternity/ Delivery
    3. Death in the immediate family
    4. Any other, subject to acceptance on justified rationale.
    5. Duration of freezing is one year. A candidate who gets a semester freeze can get readmission in next year.

Deferment/freezing of a semester will be approved by CAP.