

Exam office shall ensure transparent conduct of examination with a view to realizing the intended study objectives in line with NUTECH vision and ensure safe custody of academic record with utmost accuracy & security.


  • Establishes strong, reliable, secure and credible examination system in the University, to improve the quality of examination throughout the system
  • Ensures that all components of the examination system in the University follow the rules and policies of the University in true letter and spirit and to ensure the same quality standards across the board
  • Improves the examination policies of the University to make them flexible enough to adapt to the changing environment on continuous basis
  • Optimizes the efficacy of the examination system through maximum effectiveness, transparency and security,
  • Establishes an effective communication system for timely dissemination of information to all concerned,
  • Ensures all tasks of examination office are executed in befitting manner
  • Ensures the smooth conduct of end term examinations
  • Ensures the timely collection of examination papers and distribution to students on examination day
  • Arranges and coordinates adequate venue for conduct of examinations
  • Ensures security and monitoring of examinations by adopting all possible measures including security devices with the help of Director Administration
  • Coordinates conduct of examinations both in the mornings and evenings
  • Arranges and coordinate invigilators for the smooth conduct of examinations. Get nominations from junior faculty and departmental/ Office support staff to be detailed as invigilating staff
  • Ensures collection and safe custody of answer books after examinations
  • Ensures the comprehensive security of examination materials
  • Ensures compilation of mid and end semester examination results, after ratification from concerned Performance Evaluation Committee
  • Ensures that excuse from examination will only be considered after the approval of concerned entity/body
  • Provides safe custody of answer books till one year after the class graduation
  • Facilitates notification of finally approved results
  • Designs and develop mechanism for issuance of Degrees, Provisional certificates/ Transcript and other certificates