
National Membership

NUTECH has acquired the Full Membership of Pakistan Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (PNQAHE). It is a national association engaged to strengthen the system of Quality Assurance in Higher Education through filling gap among the Quality Assurance practitioners of Higher Education and Stakeholders of Higher Education for the Quality Education provision to bring Pakistan in the list of developed countries. The purpose of PNQAHE is to provide broad spectrum image of Quality Assurance implementation in Universities of Pakistan to the Higher Education Commission Pakistan to facilitate the commission for setting targets and improvement plans of Quality Education for the Public and Private Universities. To highlight the successful practices of Pakistani Universities on Quality Assurance at International Level through sharing feedback with the International Agencies.

International Membership

NUTECH has acquired the Associate Membership of International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE). It is a world-wide association of organizations, actively engaged with the theory and practice of quality assurance in higher education. The role of INQAAHE is to promote and advance excellence in higher education through the support of international community.