Webinar Conducted at NUTECH

NUTECH office of Research, Innovation Commercialization (NORIIC) organized NUTECH’s first webinar titled “Academia Industry Linkages: A Fresh Approach Amidst COVID Pandemic” on 23 Sep 2021. The webinar aimed to strengthen the relationship between academia & industry in COVID environment and provide the platform to industrialists, policy makers, scholars from different fields to share their perspective and experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eminent scholars from academia and CEOs from leading organizations participated in the webinar. DG NORIC Air Vice Marshal Asif Maqsood welcomed the distinguished guest speakers. Mr. Tahir Chaudhry President & CEO PIE were the moderators Among the guest speakers, Dr. Bhawani Shankar (Professor MUET, Jamshoro), Mr. Nazir Vaid (U-Health International Hospital), Dr. Ashraf Masood (CEO KHASTECH Solutions), Mr. Asim Hussain (CEO IGNITE) and Mr. Zia Khan (Chief Coordinator PIAIC) participated in the webinar. Dr. Bhawani Shankar highlighted the role of IEEE and other professional bodies in technology-enhanced development during COVID-19. Mr. Nazir Vaid spotlighted on demised and emerging professions under influence of COVID-19 and upcoming distractions, Dr. Ashraf Masood emphasized on Hybrid leaning mechanism for higher technical education amidst Covid-19), Mr. Asim Hussain stressed on thematic areas funded by Ignite before and after COVID-19. Mr. Zia Khan emphasized on getting ready for The API first and ownership economy (establishing Pakistani Unicorn Company). At the end, Ex-Rector NUTECH Lt Gen (Retd) Khalid Asghar thanked all the guest speakers and assured the series of webinars to continue in near future. He also dilated that NUTECH being the University for Industry continues to play its role and utilize all its potential to achieve its vision of bridging the gap between industry and academia. The webinar ended with interactive question answer session and presentation of souvenirs to the guests.