Dr. Ubaid Ahmed Nisar

Designation                        Assistant Professor                                                        

Email ID(s)                          [email protected]                                                    

Contact #                             923445520552                                                   

NUTECH ext.                      216                                 

Profile Summary

I have done my Ph.D. Computational Mathematics, interested in studying the modeling and simulation of the various physical phenomena. The aim of the study is to approximate the solutions of such phenomena numerically in the absence of the exact solutions. I have studied the various models from Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Few of the studies include modeling & simulation of Multi-Physics Systems, e.g. Hydrodynamical Model for Semiconductor Devices in which we predict the quality of semiconductor material depending on the various parameter to develop high-speed computer, navigation systems, digital watches etc. In Chemical Engineering, I studies the Population Balance Models which deal with the Batch and Coupled Crystallization. In Computational Biology study of the Cancer Growth Models were studied. Currently, I am working on the mathematical modeling of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with the help of the Influenza Mathematical Model. Apart from research I have done a considerable amount of teaching at different places. I have taught courses to undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels. Some of the courses include; Calculus, Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Engineering Mathematics, Computational Linear Algebra, Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations. I have also supervised and co-supervised research students.

Sr. NoDegreeUniversityYear
1P.hDCOMSATS University, Islamabad2017
2MSCOMSATS University, Islamabad2012
3BSCOMSATS University, Islamabad2010

Teaching Experience

Sr. NoDesignationUniversityYear
1LecturerIndus Group of Colleges, IslamabadJun-11Sep-14
2TVF - LecturerBahria University, IslamabadSep-14Jun-17
3Assistant ProfessorBahria University, IslamabadAug-17Aug-18
4Assistant ProfessorNational University of Technology, IslamabadAug-18Till date

Honors and Awards

Sr. NoAwardYear
1Scholarship in BS(Mathematics) - Full Tuition Fee2006-2010

Research Areas/Interests

Sr. NoAreaDescription
1Computational MathematicsModeling & Simulation of Multi-Physics Systems (e.g. Hydrodynamical Model for Semiconductor Devices)
Modeling & Simulation of Chemical Engineering Problems (e.g. Population Balance / Crystallization Models)
Computational Biology (e.g. Cancer Growth Models)

Research Supervision

Sr. NoMS/PhDTitle
1MSNumerical Approximation of Viscous Quantum Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors (Supervised)
2MSNumerical Approximation of Hydrodynamical Models for Semiconductor Device (Co-supervision, In Progress)
3MSNumerical Study and Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Growth (Co-supervision, In Progress)

Journal Publications

Sr. NoJournal NamePublication Title with I.FYear
1Computer Physics CommunicationsA Splitting Scheme Based on the Space - Time CE/SE Method for Solving Multi-Dimensional hydrodynamical models of semiconductor devices (I.F 3.748)2016
2Result in PhysicsApplication of Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting Scheme for Solving Multi-dimensional Hydrodynamical Models of Semiconductor Devices (I.F 4.019)2017
3Result in PhysicsApplication of Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting Scheme for Solving Viscous Quantum Hydrodynamical Model of Semiconductor Devices (I.F 4.019)2018
4Advances in Mechanical EngineeringDiscontinuous Galerkin Method for Solving Incompressible Two-Phase Shallow Granular Flow Model (I. F 1.230)2019
5Computational Biology and ChemistryKinetic Flux Vector Splitting Scheme for Solving Non-Reactive Multi-Component Flows (I. F 1.850)2019
6Springer Nature
Applied Sciences
Space-Time CE/SE Method for Solving Repulsive Chemotaxis Model (I. F 0.740)2020
7Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Elsevier)Evaluating the Characteristics of Magnetic Dipole for Shear-Thinning
Williamson Nanofluid with Thermal Radiation (I. F 3.632)