SCM Tenders

Sr.Tender TitlePublished DateOpening DateDownload
VDI-Development of Smart Computing Labs Cloud at NUTECH
VDI-Development of Smart Computing Labs 24-25 / TD-341

Expression OF INTEREST
Establishment of Railway Engineering, Technologies & Skills School (NURETTS)
NUTECH /SCM/ Feasibility Study NURETSS (Advance Railway Technologies/24-25 TD-728
Procurement of Lab Equipment
NUTECH / SCM /EED-NRPU Proj 24-25 / TD-340
Requirement of Heavy Duty Photocopier & Colour Printer Exam office
NUTECH / SCM /Photocopier & Colour Printer 24-25 / TD-339
High Demand IT Equipment
NUTECH / SCM /High demand IT Eqpt 24-25 / TD-338
Expression OF INTEREST
Establishment of Railway Engineering, Technologies & Skills School (NURETTS)
NUTECH /SCM/ Feasibility Study NURETSS(Advance Railway Technologies/24-25 TD-727
NUTECH / SCM /Printing of Answer Sheet-NBTPE 24-25 / TD-33724-12-202407-01-2025
Expression OF INTEREST Establishment of Railway Engineering, Technologies & Skills School (NURETTS) NUTECH /SCM/NURETSS /PSDP / 24-25 TD-72729-11-202420-12-2024
Procurement of IT Equipment’s for online classes
NUTECH / SCM /NSDD IT Eqpts 24-25 / TD-333
Procurement of Civil Lab Equipment
NUTECH / SCM /Nutl Civil 24-25 / TD-336
Lab Equipment’s (EU Projects)
NUTECH / SCM /Lab Eqpt (EU Project) 24-25 / TD-335
Expression OF INTEREST
Establishment of Railway Engineering, Technologies & Skill
School (NURETTS)
Procurement for NSDD
Development of Smart Computing Labs Cloud at NUTECH
NUTECH / SCM /Smart Computing Labs 24-25 / TD-331
Procurement of Student Chair
NUTECH / SCM /Proc-Chair 24-25 / TD-330
Upgradation of Wireless Mics – Auditorium
Upgradation of Gooseneck Mics Auditorium & Seminar Hall
NUTECH / SCM /Wireless Mics 24-25/ TD-329
Implement E-Office at NUTECH
NUTECH / SCM /E-Office 24-25 / TD-328
Procurement of General Items NUTECH / SCM /General Items 24-25 / TD-327
3-D Printer Parts for CED Labs
NUTECH / SCM /3-D Printer Parts 24-25 / TD-326
Equipment for Artificial Intelligence from NRPU Project 17332
NUTECH / SCM / Drone & Battery 23-24 / TD-325
Procurement of HOM& DAE Big Data for NURETSS Labs (PSDP)
NUTECH/SCM /HOM & DAE Big Data for NURETSS /24-25 /TD-726
Procurement of Consumable for NURETSS Labs (PSDP)
NUTECH / SCM /Consumable for NURETSS Labs 24-25 / TD-725
Establishment of NURETSS Labs (PSDP)
NUTECH / SCM / Establishment of NURETSS Labs 23-24 / TD-724
Provision of Water Hydrant NUTECH / SCM /Water Hydrant RE 2024 / TD-3245-06-202424-6-2024
NUTECH / SCM / Industrial Stitching Machine Operator 23-24 / TD-32313-05-202431-5-2024
Procurement of IT Equipment
NUTECH / SCM / IT Eqpt FY 23-24/ TD-322
NUTECH / SCM / Equipment for Artificial Intelligence 23-24 / TD-321
Procurement of Tyres
NUTECH / SCM /Tyres 23-24 / TD-320
ICT Equipment’s
NUTECH / SCM /ICT Eqpt 23-24 / TD-319
Procurment of Printing of Answer Sheet
NUTECH / SCM / Answer Sheet - ICT 23-24 / TD-318
Upgradation of Internet Service in NUTECH
NUTECH/SCM /Upgradation of Internet - ICT 23-24 / TD-317
Stationery items
NUTECH / SCM /Stationery items 23-24 / TD-316
Fortinet & Sophos Firewall License Renewal
NUTECH / SCM /Fortinet & Sophos Firewall License Renewal 24-25 / TD-315
Preparation of Standing AC Unit for Media Studio
NUTECH / SCM /Standing AC Unit MS 23-24 / TD-314
Procurement of Media Studio Equipment (NUMEST)
NUTECH/SCM /Media Studio Eqpt 23-24 / TD-313
Preparation of Consumable items Mechanical
NUTECH/SCM/Consumable items Mech 23-24 / TD-3121
Academic Books Procurement 23-24
NUTECH/SCM /Academic Books Procurement 23-24 / TD-311
Upgradation of Internet Service in NUTECH
NUTECH/SCM /Upgradation of Internet - ICT 23-24 / TD-310
NUTECH / SCM / Pre-Qualification-0129-12-2023
NUTECH / SCM/Research Lab Equipment-NUTL 23-24 / TD-30724-11-202308-12-2023
NUTECH / SCM /Publicity Material 23-24 / TD-30624-11-202330-11-2023
Consumable for Physics, Chemistry & Text Books
NUTECH / SCM / Cons Phy, Chem & Text Books 23-24 / TD-305
NUTECH / SCM / UPS for Electrical Lab 23-24 / TD-30428-09-202311-10-2023
NUTECH / SCM / UPS (LL) 23-24 / TD-30320-09-202304-10-2023
NUTECH / SCM / SMD 23-24 / TD-30215-09-202302-10-2023
NUTECH/SCM/ Procurement of Webcams for video Conferencing/TD-30102-06-202308-06-2023
NUTECH / SCM / UPS Batteries 22-23 / TD-30031-05-202307-06-2023
NUTECH / SCM /Stationery & General Items 2023 / TD-29904-05-202319-05-2023
NUTECH / SCM /Water Hydrant RE 2023 / TD-29804-05-202311-05-2023
NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt II 22-23 / TD-29720-03-202304-04-2023
NUTECH / SCM / NSDD Language Labs 22-23 / TD-29603-03-202320-03-2023
NUTECH/SCM/ Stationery 22-23/TD-29503-03-202307-03-2023
NUTECH / SCM / Fortinet, Juniper Renew & UPS 22-23 / TD-29410-02-202327-02-2023
NUTECH / SCM / NSDD IT Eqpt 22-23 / TD-29309-02-202324-02-2023
NUTECH / SCM / Equipment’s 22-23 / TD-29227-01-202313-02-2023
NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt II 22-23 / TD-29113-01-202330-01-2023
NUTECH / SCM / Laptops 22-23 / TD-29003-01-202318-01-2023
NUTECH / SCM / UPS, Toner & Projector 22-23 / TD-28903-01-202318-01-2023
NUTECH / SCM /Installation of OAS at ATR 22-23 / TD-28801-12-202212-12-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Fortinet, Juniper & UPS 22-23 / TD-28608-11-202223-11-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Computer Lab Equipment / TD-72221-10-202204-11-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Consumable / TD-72321-10-202204-11-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Comp Lab Eqpt 22-23 / TD-28514-10-202231-10-2022
NUTECH / SCM / CS Lab Eqpt 22-23 / TD-28414-10-202231-10-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Fortinet & Juniper Renew 22-23 / TD-28306-10-202221-10-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt 22-23 / TD-282
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt 22-23 / TD-281
NUTECH / SCM / NIMS QAB Portal 22-23/TD-28004-08-2022
NUTECH / SCM / LMS System 22-23 / TD-27927-07-202212-08-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Equipment / TD-72113-07-202229-07-2022
NUTECH / SCM / LMS System 21-22 / TD-27808-06-202223-06-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Firewall 21-22 / TD-27731-05-202214-06-2022
NUTECH / SCM / IT Eqpt VI 21-22 / TD-276
NUTECH / SCM /IT Eqpt V 21-22 / TD-27517-05-202223-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Network Switches 21-22 / TD-27414-05-202223-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / NIC Lab III 21-22/ TD-27314-05-202223-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Security Eqpt I 21-22 / TD-27114-05-202230-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Security Eqpt II 21-22 / TD-27214-05-202230-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM /IT Eqpt IV 21-22 / TD-27009-05-202213-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / General Items & LEDs 21-22 / TD-26928-04-202213-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Firewall Renewal 21-22 / TD-26826-04-202211-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Proc of Paint 21-22 / TD-26726-04-202211-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt III 21-22 / TD-26625-04-202210-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Stationery Items 21-22 / TD-26522-04-202209-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / NIC Lab II 21-22/ TD-26419-04-202205-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM /IT Eqpt IV 21-22 / TD-26319-04-202205-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt II 21-22 / TD-26218-04-202205-05-2022
NUTECH / SCM /Sound System 21-22 / TD-26114-04-202229-04-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Surveillance & Fire Alarm 21-22 / TD-26008-04-202214-04-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Networking Eqpt - PSDP 21-22 / TD-72005-04-202220-04-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Elect Lab Eqpt III 21-22 / TD-25905-04-202220-04-2022
NUTECH / SCM / IT Eqpt 21-22/ TD-258
NUTECH / SCM / Media Studio 21-22 / TD-25719-03-202205-04-2022
NUTECH / SCM / NSDD Lab Eqpt 21-22/ TD-25616-03-202201-04-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Toners & Cartridges 21-22/ TD-25503-03-202218-03-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Networking Eqpt - PSDP 21-22 / TD-71723-02-202211-03-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt 21-22 / TD-25423-02-202211-03-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 21-22 / TD-71618-02-202207-03-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Cptr Lab Eqpt 21-22 / TD-25318-02-202207-03-2022
NUTECH / SCM /Water Hydrant RE 2022 / TD-25215-02-202202-03-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Cptr Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 21-22 / TD-71514-02-202217-03-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Elect Lab Eqpt 21-22 / TD-25114-02-202201-03-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt - II 2022 / TD-25007-01-202214-02-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt - I 2022 / TD-24907-01-202201-02-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Elect Lab Consumable - PSDP 2022 / TD-71407-01-202201-02-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Networking Eqpt - PSDP 21-22 / TD-71322-12-202107-01-2022
NUTECH / SCM / Site Office - PSDP 21-22 / TD-71222-12-202107-01-2022
NUTECH / SCM / IT Equipment RE 2021 / TD-24803-12-202120-12-2021
Embroidery Lab NSDD
NUTECH / SCM / Embroidery Lab NSDD 2021 / TD-247
NUTECH/SCM/HVAC System 2021/TD-24619-11-202106-12-2021
Provision of Water Hydrant
NUTECH / SCM /Water Hydrant RE 2021 / TD-245
NUTECH / SCM / RFID Solutions - PSDP 21/22 | TD-71116-11-202102-12-2021
NUTECH/SCM/NIC Equipment 2021/TD-243

NUTECH / SCM / Clinical Trials 2021 / TD-24222-10-202128-10-2021
Cptr Lab Eqpt (RE) – PSDP 2021 / TD-71021-10-202104-11-2021
Mech Lab Consumable -PSDP 2021 / TD-709 21-10-202104-11-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Cptr Lab Consumable - PSDP 2021 / TD-70821-10-202105-11-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Elect Lab Consumable - PSDP 2021 / TD-707 08-10-202126-10-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Furniture for Hostel 2021 / TD-24106-10-202125-10-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Computer Lab 2021 / TD-24006-10-202125-10-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Printing Material 2021 / TD-23906-10-202122-10-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab 2021 / TD-23806-10-202121-10-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Electrical Lab 2021 / TD-23706-10-202121-10-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Embroidery Lab NSDD 2021 / TD-23610-09-202128-09-2021
NUTECH / SCM / IT Equipment 2021 / TD-235 08-09-202127-09-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Cptr Lab Eqpt (RE) - PSDP 2021 / TD-70530-08-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt (RE) - PSDP 2021 / TD-70630-08-202129-09-2021
Mechanical Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt - I (RE) - PSDP 2021 / TD-70324-08-202110-09-2021
Mechanical Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Eqpt - II (RE) - PSDP 2021 / TD-70424-08-202118-10-2021

Provisioning of Photocopier Service & Stationery Shop NUTECH / SCM /Photocopier Service & Stationery Shop 2021(RE) / TD-23416-08-202102-09-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Cptr Lab Eqpt (RE) - PSDP 2021 / TD-70204-08-202123-08-2021
NUTECH / SCM /Photocopy Shop 2021 / TD-23316-07-202103-08-2021
Provision of Water Hydrant NUTECH / SCM /Water Hydrant 2021 / TD-23115-06-202130-06-2021
NUTECH / SCM /IT Eqpt 2021 / TD-22903-06-202117-06-2021
NUTECH/SCM/Projector for MCR (PSDP) 2021/TD-70101-06-202118-06-2021
Procurement of Stationery & General Items NUTECH / SCM /Stationery & General Items 2021 / TD-22724-05-202109-06-2021
RFID Tags NUTECH / SCM / RFID Tags - PSDP 2021 / TD-70007-05-202125-05-2021
Procurement of CCTV Services
NUTECH / SCM /CCTV Services 2021 / TD-226
Procurement of IT Equipment Miscellaneous Lots
NUTECH / SCM /IT Eqpt Misc Lots 2021 / TD-225
Procurement of IT Equipment NUTECH / SCM /IT Equipment 2021 / TD-22404-05-202120-05-2021
Standby Projection System - NUTECH / SCM / Standby Projection System 2021 / TD-22129-04-202118-05-2021
Procurement Of NSDD IT Lab
NUTECH / SCM /NSDD IT Lab 2021 / TD-220
Procurement of UPS for NUTL NUTECH / SCM /UPS NUTL 2021 / TD-21822-04-202107-05-2021
Procurement of General Items NUTECH / SCM /Gen Items 2021 / TD-21922-04-202107-05-2021
Establishment of Embroidery Lab
NUTECH / SCM/ Est of Embroidery Lab 2021 / TD-217
Procurement of Innovation Lab
NUTECH / SCM /Innovation Lab 2021 / TD-216
Procurement of IT Equipment NUTECH / SCM /IT Equipment 2021 / TD-21402-04-202119-04-2021
Procurement of UPS NUTL
NUTECH / SCM /UPS NUTL 2021 / TD-210
Procurement of Furniture Items
NUTECH / SCM / Furniture NUTL 2021 / TD-212
Procurement of HVAC, Generator & Transformer
NUTECH / SCM /HVAC, Generator & Transformer 2021 / TD-207
Procurement of Innovation Lab
NUTECH / SCM /Innovation Lab 2021 / TD-211
Procurement Of NSDD IT Lab
NUTECH / SCM /NSDD IT Lab 2021 / TD-208
Procurement of Antivirus & Linux Support
NUTECH / SCM /Antivirus & Linux Support 2021 / TD-209
Extension of Network Eqpt & Smartnet Services NUTECH / SCM /Network & Smartnet 2021 / TD-20612-03-202129-03-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Uniform & Protective Clothing 2021 (RE) / TD-20509-03-202125-03-2021
Implementation of NUTECH Information Management NIMS Ph-2 NUTECH / SCM / NIMS Phase 2-2021/TD-20426-02-202116-03-2021
NUTECH / SCM /Embroidery Lab Equipment 2021 / TD-20319-02-202108-03-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt (RE) 2021 / TD-20229-01-202103-03-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt (RE) 2021 / TD-20127-01-202112-02-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Physics Lab Eqpt (RE) 2021 / TD-19827-01-202112-02-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Electrical Lab Eqpt (RE) 2021 / TD-20027-01-202112-02-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Cptr Lab Eqpt (RE) 2021 / TD-19927-01-202112-02-2021
Acquisition & Implementation of E-Testing Application NUTECH / SCM / E-Testing App 2021/TD-19519-01-202108-02-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Uniform & Protective Clothing 2021 / TD-19708-01-202128-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Furniture Items 2021 / TD-19608-01-202128-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt PSDP- 2021 / TD-19108-01-202111-02-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt PSDP- 2021 / TD-19008-01-202110-02-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Electrical Lab Eqpt PSDP- 2021 / TD-18908-01-202110-02-2021
NUTECH / SCM /Mechanical Lab Eqpt - PSDP 2021 / TD-18608-01-202127-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Exchange & Communication 2021/TD-19305-01-202126-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM / IT Eqpt for Recruits 2021/TD-19405-01-202127-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Cameras & Wireless Mics 2021/TD-19205-01-202126-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM /Computer Lab Eqpt II - PSDP 2021 / TD-18805-01-202125-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM / RFID Solutions - PSDP 2021 / TD-18705-01-202122-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt - PSDP 2021 / TD-18405-01-202125-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Electrical Lab Eqpt - PSDP 2021 / TD-18305-01-202125-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM /Computer Lab Eqpt - PSDP 2021/TD-18504-01-202122-01-2021
NUTECH / SCM / Procurement of Stylus/Touch Pads 2020 / TD-18221-12-202007-01-2021
NUTECH/ SCM / Toner/ Cartridge for Printers 2020 / TD-18104-12-202022-12-2020
NUTECH/SCM/Projector for MCR (PSDP) 2020/TD-18024-11-2020
NUTECH / SCM / IT Equipment for EnC 2020 / TD-179 06-11-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Networking for New Offices 2020 / TD-17827-10-202016-11-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt (Ph-V) 2020 / TD-17520-10-202006-11-2020
NUTECH / SCM / RFID Cards & Printer 2020 / TD-17708-10-202027-10-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Computer Lab Eqpt (Ph-V) 2020 / TD-17008-10-202027-10-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt (Ph-V) 2020 / TD-17328-09-202003-11-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt (Ph-V) 2020 / TD-17428-09-202003-11-2020
NUTECH/SCM/Projector for MCR (PSDP) 2020/TD-17625-09-202015-10-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Electrical Lab Eqpt (Ph-V) 2020 / TD-17225-09-202014-10-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt (Ph-V) 2020 / TD-17125-09-202014-10-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Furniture Items 2020 / TD-16323-09-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Motor Cycle Workshop-2020 / TD-16217-09-202005-10-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Auto Workshop-2020 / TD-16117-09-202005-10-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Furniture Items 2020 / TD-15909-09-202025-09-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt (Ph-IV) 2020 / TD-16007-09-202009-10-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Electrical Lab Eqpt (Ph-IV) 2020 / TD-15825-08-202014-09-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt (Ph-IV) 2020 / TD-15725-08-202014-09-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Computer Lab Eqpt (Ph-IV) 2020 / TD-15625-08-2020
NUTECH / SCM / IT Eqpt NUTL (Ph-IV) 2020 / TD-15525-08-202011-09-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Bio Lab Eqpt (Ph-IV) 2020 / TD-15425-08-202010-09-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Chemistry Lab Eqpt (Ph-IV) 2020 / TD-15325-08-202010-09-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Electrical Lab Eqpt (Ph-IV) 2020 / TD-15221-08-202023-09-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt (Ph-IV) 2020 / TD-15121-08-2020
NUTECH/SCM/Electrical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-15029-06-202023-07-2020
NUTECH/SCM/Mechanical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-14929-06-202022-07-2020
NUTECH/SCM/Civil Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-14729-06-202020-07-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Mechanical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-14617-06-202022-07-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Computer Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-14517-06-202021-07-2020
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-14417-06-202020-07-2020
NUTECH/SCM/Multi-Function Printers 2020/TD-14028-05-202015-06-2020
NUTECH / SCM /Printed Stationery2020 / TD-13922-05-202009-06-2020
NUTECH / SCM /GeneralItems 2020 / TD-13822-05-202009-06-2020
NUTECH / SCM /StationeryItems 2020 / TD-13722-05-202009-06-2020
NUTECH/SCM/Provision of Desktop PCs 2020/TD-13621-05-202008-06-2020
NUTECH/SCM/Projector for MCR (PSDP) 2020/TD-13515-05-202001-06-2020
NUTECH/SCM/Computer Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020/TD-13413-05-202001-06-2020

NUTECH/SCM/Estb of Library (PSDP) 2020/TD-13313-05-202001-06-2020
Mechanical Lab Consumable Items
NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Cons Items (PSDP) 2020 / TD-126
Electrical Lab Consumable Items
NUTECH / SCM / EE Lab Cons Items (PSDP) 2020 / TD-127
Hiring of Auto Workshop
NUTECH / SCM / Auto Workshop-2020 / TD-130
Civil Engg Lab Consumable Items
NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Cons Items (PSDP) 2020 / TD-
Hiring of Motor Cycle Workshop
NUTECH / SCM / Motor Cycle Workshop-2020 / TD-131
Computer Engg Lab Consumable Items
NUTECH / SCM / Comp Lab Cons Items (PSDP) 2020 / TD-128
Computer Engg Lab Consumable Items NUTECH / SCM / Comp Lab Cons Items (PSDP) 2020 / TD124 13-03-202031-03-2020
Electrical Lab Consumable Items NUTECH / SCM / EE Lab Cons Items (PSDP) 2020 / TD-123 13-03-202031-03-2020
Mechanical Lab Consumable Items NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Cons Items (PSDP) 2020 / TD-122 13-03-202031-03-2020
Mechanical Lab Equipment
NUTECH / SCM /Mech Lab Eqpt (Phase III A) 2020 / TD-121
Establishment of Library
NUTECH/SCM/Estb of Library (PSDP) 2020/TD-125
Hiring of Auto Workshop
NUTECH / SCM / Auto Workshop-2020 / TD-119
Hiring of Motor Cycle Workshop
NUTECH / SCM / Motor Cycle Workshop-2020 / TD-120
Mechanical Lab Equipment
NUTECH / SCM /Mechanical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-107
Internet Firewall License NUTECH / SCM / Internet Firewall License 2020 / TD-11829-01-202014-02-2020
Procurement of Firewall NUTECH / SCM / Firewall-2020 / TD-11624-01-202011-02-2020
Civil Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-10822-01-202010-02-2020
Mechanical Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM /Mechanical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-109 22-01-202026-02-2020
Electrical Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Electrical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-11121-01-202007-02-2020
Computer Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Computer Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-11221-01-202007-02-2020
Computer Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Computer Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-11321-01-202007-02-2020

Civil Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Civil Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-11417-01-2020 19-02-2020
Computer Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Computer Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-11517-01-2020 19-02-2020
Electrical Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Electrical Lab Eqpt (PSDP) 2020 / TD-11017-01-2020 20-02-2020
PROCUREMENT OF FIREWALL- NUTECH NUTECH/SCM/Firewall-2020/TD-10610-01-2020 28-01-2020
PROCUREMENT OF IT EQUIPMENT (ICT)- NUTECH NUTECH/SCM/ IT Equipment (ICT) -2020/TD-10510-01-2020 28-01-2020
Labs Misc Items NUTECH/SCM/Labs Misc Items-2019/TD-10427-12-201914-01-2020
Mechanical Lab Equipment NUTECH / SCM / Mech Lab Phase-lll (A)-2019 / TD-09806-11-201910-12-2019